The PomPom Project

  • The New Children's Museum

  • San Diego Botanic Garden

  • Oceanside Museum of Art

  • Centro Cutural de La Raza

“Craft and textile art have traditionally been seen as women’s work or handicraft as opposed to fine art. In a similar way, the LBGTQIA+ community has been seen as less valuable in society. In recent days, we have witnessed a resurgence of racism, intolerance, and injustice, and once again we are seeing that some people are less valued than others. This moment is a new opportunity to show that every member of humanity has equal value, just like artwork made with yarn or any other material can be valued as fine art. All people are a work of fine art. Love wins!”

—Katie Ruiz

Join the Next Pompom Project for Creative City SD!


Handmade with love.

The community went to work over the pandemic. We delivered Pompom making packages to people’s doors and they returned bags full of colorful pom poms. My sister and I strung the poms onto a giant 25 foot loom. The Pride Flag hangs at the Oceanside Museum of Art during Pride Month.

