The Yarn Sculptures came from learning to weave. Learning to weave came from a desire to learn the symbols and patterns I was painting on the blankets. Later, the materials were so wonderful on their own I started to play with the yarn in non traditional ways rather than weaving, knitting, or crochet. Instead, I clumped, tied and connected the yarn in loose and fragile ways that allowed the strings to stay together in their beautiful skeins and spaghetti like and figurative forms. 

Later, I wanted different textures so I started to look around my studio/bedroom at the time and I found shells, bouncy balls and other art supplies and tools. I started to collect trash for compositional shapes. I found someones lost high heel, I cut off the bottom of my fuzzy pajamas, and my roommate threw a chair off the roof leaving a beautifully broken off curvy chair leg. Each piece adds to the contemporary narrative of what textile art is today. 



